10/2/2020 - 2/3/2020 (Week 6 -Week 9)
Vun Wan Min (0334263)
Intercultural Design
Final Project
Final Project
Week 6 14/2/2020
Fig. 1: Animal Lersi (Deer, Tiger, Monkey)
We decided on the 3 animal headed lersi because we thought it was more interesting among the other legends and also it is a shorter legend as we decided on a 3 - 6 mins video.
We planed to make a little play with puppets based on wayang kulit and have it as a video of the Lersi. Our backgrounds have 3 layers so that it would not look flat. We used the room D3.01 to work.
Fig. 2.1: Painting Base
Fig. 2.2: Painting Shades
Shazleena and I painted the base of the mountain while Baahy shades the mountain. We first did the background, which were the mountain and city background (Back layer), the second layer was the trees to make it look like the forest and the first layer is the grass.
Fig. 2.3: Background Setting
We are done with the backgrounds. The trees were done by Shazleena and I did the grass.
Fig. 3: Painting Lersi
Next, we made the Lersi. There are going to be 4 Lersi in total, the 3 animal headed Lersi and the Master. Shazleena did 1 and I did 2. We coloured them in the theme based on the Malaysian. We also left 1 Lersi for Baahy.
22/2/2020 - 24/2020
We continue to do our Lersi. Since Room D3.01 was locked, we went to find a classroom that we can use and we found out that the Drawing room was open and do it there.
Fig. 4: Cutting and Painting
Fig. 5: The Lersi and the 3 Animal Head
We cut the Lersi and put the fastener on the them.
Fig. 6: Cutting Box
After that we cut the box we got. Shazleena and I cut the box with a knife cutter. The box is our mini theatre.
Fig. 7: Spraying Box
To make the box prettier, we spay paint it with the leftover spray paint Shazleena has.
Fig. 8.1: Weak Grass
Fig. 8.2: Testing
After the paint was dry. The grass looks like it is going to collapse, so we fix it by adding mounting board to the back of it for support.
Fig. 9.1: Cutting Slit
Fig. 9.2: Outcome of the Slit
The slit is for the puppet to have room to move. There are 2 because one in front and the other is for the back to have depth.
Fig. 10: Finishing Look (with curtain)
We also add curtain to make our box more appealing. The curtain will be refined more.
Fig. 11: Box (Side)
The side of the box is where we will pull in and out the background.
Fig. 12: Lotus Wire
The wire Lotus is a decoration that put in a little of a Thai element. Since the lotus was easier to make, we went with that.
Fig. 13: Stage
The curtains and lotus wire are now refined. I used a player to bend the lotus and it turned out nice.
Fig. 14.1: Filming 1
Fig. 14.2: Filming 2
We used 2 chairs to support the box and have the middle a gap to have room for the puppets. We use the table as our tripod to film.
Fig. 15.1: Behind the scene 1
Fig. 15.2: Behind the scene 2
This was how we filmed the video. Shazleena was under the box, so that it would be easier to move and slide in and out the puppets. I was beside her helping while Baahy read the scenarios and film it with his camera.
Fig. 16: Group Photo
Since the script was too long and exceed the time that we initially wanted, we just focus and film Part 3 (Legend of the 3 animal headed Lersi) and the other parts, we put them along with the website.
We manage to film the whole video in a day. So that we have time to edit them.
Week 8 - Week 9 26/2/2020 - 1/3/2020
Baahy was in charge of editing the video while I do the sound. Shazleena was making the website using Wix.
It was fun making crafts again after a long while. I almost forgot how painting feels like, I missed it.
My team mates painting were really good and they paint it very pretty and cutting skills were really good.
Our puppet does not more how we wanted but it's the best that we can do. We could have drawn the body parts separately but it went over our heads when we did it.
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