Character Design - Task 1: Personification

14/4/2020 - 19/5/2020 (Week 1 - Week 6)
Vun Wan Min (0334263)
Character Design
Task 1: Personification


Lecture 1

We were welcomed by Ms Anis and to start the class, she explained about the module on the upcoming weeks. We were using Discord for our online class.

Lecture 2

We were introduced to character concept such as the world, location, inhabitants, governing system, social standings and so on.



Week 1

Slides by Ms Anis (Project Brief):
Using Jam Board, we were making a moodboard for our MOBA character.



Silhouette figures.

Fig. 1.1: Silhouette Mistake
I made a mistaken by adding the details to the clothing. It should be just a solid mass and we do not need to know the details yet. I should let a bright light shine from the back and see a black mass.
Fig. 1.2: Silhouette (No. 1 - 5)
Fig. 1.3: Silhouette (No. 6 - 10)
My top 3 are No. 1, 3 and 10. I chose these because I want my character to be charming yet mature with a mysterious to them.

Week 2
21/4/2020 -24/4/2020
Fig. 2.1: Progression Sketch (No. 1 - 5)

Fig. 2.2: Progression Sketch (No. 6 - 10)

Fig. 2.3: No. 8
No. 8's design didn't work for me. There was something off about it, until Ms. Anis pointed out that the hat was the problem.
Fig. 2.4: Refined of No.1 & 2
Week 3
Fig. 3.1: Clothing Details

Fig. 3.2: Feedback
Fig. 4.1: Chosen Design

Fig. 4.1: Hat Style 1

Fig. 4.2: Hat Style 2

Ms Anis gave me the suggestion of the Baker boy hat. There are 2 versions.
Mens Plain 8 Panel Newsboy Cap Peaky Blinders Baker Boy Hat 100 ...
Fig. 5.1: Baker Boy Hat Version 1
Fig. 5.2: Baker Boy Hat Version 2
I then put it on the character to see which fits to it.
Fig. 5.3: Try-out Version 1
Fig. 5.4: Try-out Version 2

The next step for the character is the turn around.
Fig. 6: Ms Anis's Example
Fig. 7.1: Back Side (Feedback)
I showed Ms Anis my turn around and suggest that the lower part should be a little lower.
Fig. 7.2: Turn Around
After completing the turn around, I showed it again to my lecturer for feedback. She helped me with the leg, now I see where it was awkward.

Fig. 7.3: Revise Turn Around

Week 4

For this week, we are going to customize our character with complete clothing details. Ms Anis asked us to looked up on different clothing styles of MOBA, RPG and MMO games.

Fig. 8.1: Reference 1

Fig. 8.2: Reference 2

Fig. 8.3: Reference 3

Fig. 9: Initial Design

Fig. 10.1: Turnaround
Fig. 10.2: Turnaround (Jacket and Hat)

Week 5
12/5/2020 - 15/5/2020


Week 1: Silhouette should be more solid.

Week 2: Should look more into hats and coats.

Week 3: The lower back should be lower and adjust the legs.

Week 4: The clothing looks good and the turn around is fine. Don't forget to add the hat and coat.


Making and developing the our own original character is really fun. I had fun thinking about the storytline and their  personality, also their clothing. I'm still inexperience with anatomy and clothing detail.

Even with black mass, I can still make up the body shape. I can imagine the body shape and gesture of the character but the clothing of the character is just not consistent as I want to have a variety to choose from for having to portray the character better.

Having a black mass helps with making more design shapes for the character. I still find it hard to have a consistent artstyle, I just need to keep praticing.


18/4/2020 (Week 1)
121 Draw Illustratiors Guidebook (E-Book) by 21D Sweden AB
Fig. 11: 21 Draw Illustrators Guidebook (E-Book) by 21D Sweden AB
This book is useful to look at because it contains cool works from different artists. It was a good reference to look at and I like the artstyles of some of the artist.


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