Vehicle and Props Design - Project 1

4/5/2020 (Week 4 - Week 7)
Vun Wan Min (0334263)
Vehicle and Props Design
Project 1 - FLEET 


Project 1

Week 4


Since this Wednesday (6/5/2020) is a holiday (Wesak Day) and Monday (11/5/2020) a replacement holiday, we have until nest Wednesday (13/5/2020) to come up with the name and functions of the station and vehicles.

Progression on proposal:
Fig. 1.1: World Concept

Fig. 1.2: Station Concept

Fig. 1.3: Power Plant Concept

Fig. 1.4: Small Ship Concept

Fig. 1.5: Cargo Concept

Fig. 1.6: Air Ship Concept

Fig. 1.7: Comparison of Size (Vehicles and Building)
Fig. 1.8: Comparison of Size (Station, Vehicles and Building)

Daily Drawing Week 4 (Animal Skeleton):

Week 5
11/5/2020 - 14/5/2020

Public holiday, so we don't have class. I was working on the FLEET project.

After re-looking at the size comparison, I realized that the power plat was to small (Fig. 1.7).
Fig. 2.1: Resized vehicles and building 1

Fig. 2.2: Resized vehicles and building 2

Daily Drawing Week 5:

Week 6 - Week 7
18/5/2020 - 1/6/2020

Continue working on project 1.

Daily Drawing Week 6:

Daily Drawing Week 7:



Week 4: For the slides proposal, I should have the name of station, vehicles and building and their functions. 


Coming up with a concept of the world, vehicles and buildings are interesting and fun.

I observed that the shape of the vehicles and building can determine function it such as the wings or sails.

I find that coming up with the functions of the vehicles and building are challenging.


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